Who is Frederico Mompou?

Fredrico Mompou was a Catalan composer who lived between 1893 and 1987. He had first went to Paris in 1911, with his first hit happening after having a concert there in the spring of 1921. He was famous for being a quiet, timid man who kept to himself and did not like public attention. Therefore, he pursued music through composing. His music reflected his shy and quiet personality, and they were often short and close to or less than four minutes long. He even had some of his songs grouped under his “Musica Callada,” meaning “Music of Silence.” Mompou reflected his inner thoughts and his perspective of Catalonia throughout his short, lyrical music that captured the vivid color of the places he lived. Listeners would often describe his music as ethereal and deep, despite the softness it shows.


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